I read it when it came out and was glad to see it was a "provisional" analysis. I really like the structure of it and I assume it comes from collective discussion among some of the most experienced, most diverse and least sectarian of the organized formations on the left.
I am looking forward to a much fuller version, which draws on and cites other work to see if its conclusions can be sustained. For instance, is it warranted to propose essentially the same build/bridge (now broaden), block strategy adopted in early 2024? As Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles and others such as Vox's Eric Levitz have warned, even now 12/11, it is still premature to draw anything more than provisional conclusions. Levitz also warns progressives not to draw conclusions which are self-affirming. See links to these in my substack.
Of course, there is tension between doing what may seem like idle election analysis as opposed to formulating the srategy for implementation, and I like how you are trying to combine the two. As Leslie McCall has noted, inequality is complex regionally but only rarely does left strategy note the need for different approaches in different states/regions as LR's analysis does.
In addition to my Electional Analysis Section (soon to be an essay, I hope), see my two initials essays on Surviving the Next Four Years. Most immediately, on immigration and refugee rights, which is more focused on next steps, see my Lagniappe Links section for more on that and other issues.
Excellent unified statement of our diverse views. Once again, it shows how we 'punch above our weight' in matters of analysis and strategy.
Liberation Road Notes https://liberationroad.substack.com/p/refuse-resist-contest was a valuable 11/22/24 analysis. I had added it when it came out to my Election Analysis bibliography here on my free substack: https://michaelalandover.substack.com/p/2024-election-analysis
I read it when it came out and was glad to see it was a "provisional" analysis. I really like the structure of it and I assume it comes from collective discussion among some of the most experienced, most diverse and least sectarian of the organized formations on the left.
I am looking forward to a much fuller version, which draws on and cites other work to see if its conclusions can be sustained. For instance, is it warranted to propose essentially the same build/bridge (now broaden), block strategy adopted in early 2024? As Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles and others such as Vox's Eric Levitz have warned, even now 12/11, it is still premature to draw anything more than provisional conclusions. Levitz also warns progressives not to draw conclusions which are self-affirming. See links to these in my substack.
Of course, there is tension between doing what may seem like idle election analysis as opposed to formulating the srategy for implementation, and I like how you are trying to combine the two. As Leslie McCall has noted, inequality is complex regionally but only rarely does left strategy note the need for different approaches in different states/regions as LR's analysis does.
In addition to my Electional Analysis Section (soon to be an essay, I hope), see my two initials essays on Surviving the Next Four Years. Most immediately, on immigration and refugee rights, which is more focused on next steps, see my Lagniappe Links section for more on that and other issues.
Insightful analysis that provides strategic clarity that is so needed right now. Thank you for putting this together and making it available.
Spot on!