The following are reflections by labor and community activist Jeff Crosby, son of Harry Crosby, a prominent character in the Apple TV series “Masters of the Air.” The series depicts the courage of young men who risked, and often sacrificed, their lives to defeat fascism during World War II.
Great reminder that we all can put aside our fears and stand up for what we believe in.Which for many then and now is fighting the threat of fascism. Just closer to home this time!
Great story. I knew a guy, and elder socialist in Chicago, who flew on some of these, who went early, joining the Canadians, and flying the same or similar bombers. He told tales much like your fathers.
The story reminds us to encourage younger people to talk to elders about their personal lives, and about the history that they lived through. Personally, I regret not learning more from my Italian-American immigrant grandmother and grandfather, and my great aunt Mary.
Great reminder that we all can put aside our fears and stand up for what we believe in.Which for many then and now is fighting the threat of fascism. Just closer to home this time!
Great story. I knew a guy, and elder socialist in Chicago, who flew on some of these, who went early, joining the Canadians, and flying the same or similar bombers. He told tales much like your fathers.
Beautifully recounted story about the fight against fascism. Sadly, we must continue this struggle today. There is no choice. Thanks Jeff.
The story reminds us to encourage younger people to talk to elders about their personal lives, and about the history that they lived through. Personally, I regret not learning more from my Italian-American immigrant grandmother and grandfather, and my great aunt Mary.
My dad was a gunner in B29’s in Saipan. Masters of the Air sure captures the fear and sacrifices made by the air crews in those B17’s! Eric in SF