Countries around the world have been beginning to see the writing on the wall, that Pax Americana is coming to an end, and the political calculations to secure their capitalist national interests are changing. Countries like Russia and Israel are opting for aggressive regional imperialism. We'll likely see more local gangsterism from capitalist countries with right wing governments, as the unique diplomatic, military and economic power of the US to enforce an order it finds profitable for US business interests, wanes. But neither US-led veiled-imperialism of the last 50 years, nor a return to the open imperialism of the 100 years before that, is the way forward. We need real egalitarian international governance mechanisms that can deliver economic infrastructure and universal security architecture that is created and in the interest of the majority of the worlds people. Strengthening the ICC is one step. Strengthening the UN and doing away with the permanent security council is another. A third step is democratizing the governance of the IMF and World Bank, so they are run like a public bank rather than a private business with a system of vote-purchasing.

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Well said! This year marks the 80th anniversary of a horrible world war that left 50+ million people dead. The military defeat of fascism established the principle that borders cannot be changed through violence. I can’t understand how anyone who calls themselves leftist can support or excuse Putin’s murderous invasion of Ukraine.

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